Comment Argument_62 This work has quite some similarities to the books “Architectura civilis” by Joseph Fruttenbach, because both books are about how a church should be built. Both parties contain theoretical aspects and give rational recommendations of the right way of doing these buildings. The authors of these works both were experts in termsd of…
Author: Angelo Domeisen
The book of Joseph Fruttenbach, Architectura civilis, is quite a hard read because of it’s old language. So reading the book was not easy from the beginning, but it was possible after all. What the book is about was clear already, but for me the keywords were important. Fruttenbach writes about how certain buildings, especially…
Joseph Furttenbach the Edler “Architectura civilis” “Architectura civilis” in English: Civil architecture. The book is a work of architectural theory. Fruttenbach reports on the “noble” art of architecture. Theoretical aspects are given for the construction of palaces and their surroundings, common dwellings, churches, chapels, altars, houses of God and buildings such as military hospitals and…
I chose these two pictures becaus I really enjoy the detailed prints of the two buildings. It’s also very interesting to see a floor plan from back then. The book has quite a large format with a medium thickness. It has quite an old smell and the pages seem to be quite thin. Overall the…