The title of the book is “Del Palazzo de Cesari” and it is a opaera postuma which means that it was written after Cesari’s death. This book was not written by Giuseppe Cesari but by Francesco Bianchini who was an Italian philosopher and astronomer who was born in Verona in 1662. The book itself is large and thick 45.4 x 30 cm. It has about 400 pages. There are illustrations in the book and the author uses them to explain exactly what he is trying to say. The illustrations are very technical and sometimes have descriptions on them. There is no list of contents. The book talks about antique Roman temples. Bianchini talks and describes his excavations of the temple of the roman emperors. He describes very detailed the palace and uses text and drawings to paint a very detailed picture of what he found. There are also illustrations and drawings of statues or temples. Probably the most interesting aspect of the book is that the same text is printed parallel to each other but in different languages. Once in Italian and once in Latin. Especially Bianchini’s illustrations influenced architectural designers.