The full title of the book is so long that I would reach the limit of 200 Words only with writing it out. To give you a short insight: «Synopsis Architecturae Civilis Elececticae, oder Kurzer Entwurf von der ersten Continuation, worinnen unterschiedliche Partial-Begriffe enthalten, welche in der Antiquen Geometrisa Elementari gegründet, und durch das nützliche Diagramma Quadrangulare, der den Umfang der Civil-Bau Zunft ihren behenden Nutzen weisen, vornehmlich aber in gegenwärtigen Zwölff Tabellen, nach einem Fundamentalen Methodo, die reguairen Maximen anzeigen…)
The book addresses especially new architects. The author deals with tables that he created himself and discusses various sections and floorplans. Johann Jacob Schübel tries to teach and understand questions revolving the proportions and perspectives of cvivil engineering. He treats each topic in a very carefull and scientific manner but still manages to explain it in simple language. The book has a content list where each of the ten chapter is described with a short sentence. It starts with a small note where the author Johann Jacob Schübler talks about his older works.
The book is filled with illustrations. The engravements are very detailed and show technical architectonic constructions. The engravements are 32 centimeters high, which makes the book automatically quite big. Johann Jacob Schübler is a german Baroque master builder, architectural theorist and writer, and mathematician, born in the year 1689. He enjoyed a very good education, especially in artistic subjects and ancient and modern languages, what pathed his way career. His writing style is quite entertaining and amazingly casual, with a few anecdotes here and there.