The title of the book synopsis architecturae civil eclecticae reveals that the book is about architecture and the parts of civil engineering.
The first view pages of the book are all blank. After the four blank pages, there is a page which informs you of the basic knowledge of the book. This first written page, gives you a first impression of what the book is about. The next page is the table of contents.The chapters are listed from 1 to 13 in order. Each of the 13 chapters follows the same structure. The first pages of each chapter are always packed with text, following an illustration and then followed by a plank space. It is possible to use the blank space for notes. Sometimes the illustration of the following pages are visible cause they were pressed off.
Many of the illustraions show the geometry and length of the building. It is remarkable that in the illustrations the building don’t only look like geometry buildings, but also show the perspective and are beautiful drawings. Some of the images are cuts, some are full illustrations of the building. You can tell that for the author the geometry of the building his very import and linked to how good it is.
The Autor,Johann Jacob Schülern, was born in 1689 in the German City Nürnberg. Schülers Work consisted of a variety of writings with wich he started in 1715. The architectural details shown in his book, he mostly did by himself.