The full title of Martin Zeillers book is „Topographia Galliae, Oder Beschreibung und Contrafaitung der vornehmbsten / und bekantisten Oerter / in dem mächtigen / und grossen Königreich Frankreich“ and it has in total four volumes. Translated from latin the meaning „
„Topographia Gallilae“ ist the topographic of Gaul and by further inspecting the inside it becomes clear that the book is about descriptions of cities and towns in france around the 17th century. Zeillers undertitle indicates that he looks up to France because he is calling the towns „one of the most known ones in the powerful and large kingdom France“. It seems that he looks up to France and by writing everything in an old german, he speaks to all german-speaking people to show them the greatness of France.
The book is divided in volumes where it talks about different regions in France. Because the writing us not good readable, I found out that the illustrations were also a very good way of dividing the book in chapters. All illustrations show landscapes or landmaps in probably copper prints. In a further research I have found out that only the writing is from Martin Zeiller. Most illustrations in the book were drawn by Matthäus Merians.
The book is with 32cm quite large and through the thick material it gives a heavy look. The red-inked paperedges make the book seem important and of high quality and value.
I think Zeiller wants to show the reader the beauty of France and the typical elements of the baroque period. Versailles was a big symbol of that period and in conclusion all eyes were on France.