The book has the following title:
Elementos de toda la architectura civil : con las mas singulares observaciones de los modernos impressos en latin / por Christiano Rieger … ; da traducidos al castellano [por] Miguel Benavente
The book has several tables of contents. It includes different sorts of big topics for example like columns and then again several subtopics. I guess that the big chapters are organized by different parts of a building and that the subtopics show a collection of difftent aspects of the big topic. The chapters are organized as lists. The book also includes several illustrations, always at the beginning of a new chapter. The illustrations show buildings, probably typologies or visualizations of observations. Sometimes illustrations can also be found in different places than at the beginning of a chapter. Personally I have perceived the book as a book with a rather large size but in relationship to the books background I guess that it was more of a book with a normal or even handy size (I also think to remember that the book was light) which in comparison to other books made it could have made it much more accessible and easy to use. The book was written by Christiano Rieger and translated by Miguel Benavente. Rieger was a scholarly Viennese Jesuit Christian and lived from 1714 to 1780. Benavente was the translater wo translated the book into spanish. They wanted to publish a collection of the Elements of global civil architecture with the most singular observations of the modern Latin printings. They propably wanted to promote the education and spread awareness for the importance of this global and civil architecture and its impact.