Friends with an old book
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The book is called: “Mémoires sur les objets les plus importants de l’architecture”.
It was written in 1769, and to put it in a historical context, it was written during the Renaissance, when the ancient writings of antiquity were rediscovered and architecture had a new lease of life.
The author of the book, Pierre Patte, lived from 1723 to 1814, and historically it was during the Renaissance.
He learned many things as an assistant to his architecture teacher Jacques-François Blondel. His professor Jacques-François Blondel wrote nine volumes during his career, the last of which was published in 1977.
He is credited with being the first to present a city plan with buildings and sewers in a sectional view, referring to a section made in 1769, although recent research has shown the irrefutable influence of a similar drawing made by the Portuguese engineer Eugenio dos Santos after the Lisbon earthquake in 1755.
In the mid-18th century, during the reign of Louis XV, Patte theorized about the overall structure of the city as an urban organism, where changing one aspect would affect the whole. A century later, some of Patte’s ideas would help transform Paris under the direction of Baron Haussmann. #107 #21_923_065