Title original language: Résolution des quatre principaux problèmes d’architecture dediée a monseigneur Colbert. Ministre et Secretaire d’estat, surintendant des Bastimens, arts, et manufactures de france.
Titel English: Resolution of the four main architectural problems dedicated to Bishop Colbert. Minister and Secretary of State, Superintendent of Bastimens, Arts, and Manufactures of France.
Author: François Blondel (1618-1686)
Year of first publication: 1673 in Paris
Language: French
Name of the library in Zurich: ETH Bibliothek (1673), Zentralbibliothek (1673)
Online database:
E-Rara: https://www.e-rara.ch/i3f/v20/1447164/manifest
architectura.cesr: http://architectura.cesr.univ-tours.fr/Traite/Auteur/Blondel.asp?param=