Title: La théorie et la pratique du jardinage, où l’on traite a fond des beaux jardins appelés communément les jardins de plaisance et de propreté, composés de parterres, de bosquets, de boulingrins, &c. : contenant plusieurs plans et dispositions generales de jardins, nouveaux desseins … & autres ornemens servant à la décoration & embélissement des jardins.
(The theory and praxis of gardening, where one deals with the background of beautiful gardens commonly called gardens of pleasure and cleanliness, composed of benches, Groves, bowling greens, &co.: containing several plans and general arrangements of gardens, new designs … & other ornaments for decoration & embellishment of gardens.)
Author: Antoine Joseph Dézallier d’Argenville (1680-1765)
Year and place of first publication: 1709 in Paris
Language: French
Volumes: 1
Libraries with physical copy:
ETH Bibliothek HDB, ETH Zürich, Hönggerbergring 37, CH-8093 Zürich
HSR Rapperswil, HSR Hochschule für Technik Rapperswil, Überseestrasse 10, Postfach 1475, CH-8640 Rapperswil
UZH Kunsthistorisches Institut, Rämistrasse 73, CH-8006 Zürich
(None of these are first editions of the book.)
Digital copy: Biodiversity Heritage Library, https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/bibliography/84783#/summary (not the first edition of the book).