Most of the book «Andrae Alberti Zwey Büecher” is written in grouped stye. The book is divided in headlines, sub-headlines and margins. One of the margins takes about a fourth of a page. Optically it looks like much younger books. For example books from the 19th century.
The font size is the same throughout the whole book except the titles which are bigger. Furthermore, the heading of each chapter are written onto the topline of every double page giving an orientation to the reader. The first letter of a new margin is always about five times the size of the normal letters. On the beginning of new chapters there are illustrations for decorative reason. Some of them have some text parts drawn in it with. For example the title of the chapter. The decorative elements are very careful drawn and are describing the style of this time. The title-illustrations aren’t showing houses more animals and decoration elements.
There are a lot of illustrations to expand (they are folded into the book). If this is the case the illustrations is on the outer side of the book and much bigger than the normal side. This illustrations are very technical. You see a lot of construction lines which show you how to read and learn from the book. The text is most of the time describing how to draw in perspective and the pictures are beautiful examples of the written part. All the pictures have a very high level of detail. On a picture-page there are mostly several different illustrations and they are drawn in a collage-style.
The book is written to learn how to draw in perspective. The first part of the book is about how to draw the perspective. The second part of the book is showing how to draw the shadows to the book.