General subject
The book treats the subject of two different rules about practical perspectives. Giacomo da Vignola works with many illustrations about these perspectives.
The book begins with a short introduction followed by the index of contents. The book is subdivided in two main parts. They are called first rule and second rule. The first rule contains chapters from one to eight. The second rule contains chapters from one to twenty-one. The book ends with a very precise register from letter A to V.
Size of the book
The book has a length of 37,5cm and breadth of 25cm. The most appropriate book size would be the quarto. With 88 pages it’s rather a thin book. Even thought the book is not very heavy it is difficult to handle because of it’s big size.
Total numbers of pages and illustrations
The whole book counts 88 pages and 141 illustrations. There are many small illustrations and a few bigger ones. The text and illustrations don’t fill the whole page, there is a lot of empty space. The illustrations are very important because they give he’s words very good expression. The reader can see what Vignola means and describes.