General Subject of the Book
„I Commentari di C. Giulio Cesare, con le figure in rame de gli alloggiamenti, de’ fatti d’arme, delle circonuallationi delle città, & di molte altre cose notabili descritte in essi. Fatte da Andrea Palladio per facilitare a chi legge, la cognition dell’historia“, published in the year of 1575 by Andrea Palladio, documents a series of Caesars battles through France, Spain and Africa as well as a civil war. The historical documents are followed by Andreas own commentaries and visual illustrations.
Organisation of the book
The book includes a table of contents in alphabetic order as well as 37 double-page engraved illustrations on laid paper, engraved headpieces and letters thoughout. The different seasons are defined by numbered books such as „Libro Primo, Della Guerra Francese“, „Libro Secondo, Della Guerra Di Spagna“ et cetera, until the eight section „Libro Ottavo“. The various maps show the lands of France and Spain while the illustrations show troop formations and battles, partly in front of realistic landscapes.
The cover appears mainly used while some pages remain stained, but well preserved.
Size of the book
height: 240 mm
breadth: 43 mm
width: 160 mm
traditional size format: „medium octavo“
Number of pages: 538
Number of illustrations: 37