Comment on Greetings – 92
This book caught my eye while browsing through the post because of its engravings. While this one contains a variety of examples of niches, mine serves as a tour guide of several different fountains of Rome. Many of those are very luxurious and rather big in size. Specially those who are located on the outside of a building contain often a niche as well.
So it was interesting to see a reappearing part of the fountains as a stand-alone theme. And it shows that quite a lot of thought was put into designing those fountains, as they contain a lot of different decoration.
Comment on Argument- 29
While my book doesn’t contains nearly any text and therefore doesn’t give the reader any explanation of those books are full of drawings and serve as a collection with the purpose to give the reader an overview of all different shapes and style possible. Beside that connection, there seems to be a difference of in the illustrations. While Jean Bullants drawings look more hand-made you can definitely see Giovanni Battista Fuldas drawings that the are engravings.
Nevertheless are the drawing prominent in the book.
Le fontane di Roma nelle piazze, e luoghi publici della città – 166
by Giovanni Battista Falda