Comment on Argument_38:
“A complete Body of architecture” by Isaac Ware seems to be very similiar to your book. Not only does it only consist of ten books, which is how I came across your book, but it also tries to give a general overview on some broad but important aspects of architecture. Mine is also divided into many chapters covering different topics, which all together seem like a “how-to” for architecture or future architects. There is a big possibility that my book was somehow based on Vitruvius ten books, which is the original of your book. Wares book is also very think and big and includes many illustrations that show different aspects and explain certain topics.
Comment on Argument_93:
I came across your book, when I was searching for the rather boring detail of “ten books”. As a obvious similarity my book “A complete body of architecture” by Isaac Ware is also distributed into and they seem to share similiar topics and themes. Both books are trying to give an general explanation on architecture but also include drawings and mostly views and plans. They seem to be quite lengthy and extensive which is understandable as trying to explain architecture can’t be done in a few pages. William Chambers and Isaac Ware both lived in the same century and were architects, who wrote quite some books during their lives.
Comment on Argument_75:
Similiar to my book “A complete Body of architecture” by Isaac Ware, yours seems like it’s also trying to give a broad explanation and view on all the different apsects that one has to think about when doing architecture. Both include quite some illustrations, which help to show off the details which are described in the texts. The goal of Isaac Ware and Michele Sanmicheli must have been to write a book, that helps future architects with all the details of architecture as well as guide them on how to. Funny enough your book is very small although its content is of much importance whereas mine is quite thick and of a larger format, which might be because yours could have been something like a handbook.