I decided to look for connections, where the book has the same topic as mine. With the search term “perspectives” I quickly found what I was looking for:
Comment 1: Argument_43
Hi! I stumbled across your book while looking for a book that has the same topic as mine. My book is called “Perspectiva pictorum et architectorum” by Andrea Pozzo and is exclusively about perspectives and how to draw them.
As I read in your argument, the first part of your book is also about perspectives and is equipped with a lot of drawings, which one can divide in more technical ones and more artistic ones. My book has as well a lot of drawings, but mostly technical ones.
Another similarity is the language. Both books are written in Italian. Moreover, the two authors lived almost at the same time and were both baroque painters.
Comment 2: Argument_15
Hi! I came across your interesting argument while looking for a book that has the same topic as mine. Since my whole book “Perspectiva pictorum et architectorum” by Andrea Pozzo is about perspectives and how to draw them, I searched for the word perspective in the posts.
As I read in your argument and saw in the pictures of your greeting, our books have a very similar structure.
Both books have the text on one side and drawings for explanation on the other side.
Another common feature is also the big first letter on the top of the text page, which is very nicely decorated with different ornaments. Moreover, our authors lived at a similar time, however in two different countries