Comment 1:
The first book was quite an obvious find as it’s the only other book we share the same author with: James Gibbs. It’s titled “A book of Architecture”. A book which I had stumbled upon before doing research for one of the other tasks, therefore immediately sounding familiar. Just like our book, it is mainly dominated by sketches and drawings rather than text. Unlike James Gibbs book “Rules for drawing the several parts of architecture” these sketches are predominantly of churches and other large buildings and only partly of more detailed smaller objects such as cornices.
Comment 2:
My goal for the second book was finding something that supplements our book from James Gibbs. I was hoping to find a written and not drawn version of our text. I found quite a few books with very similar topics and more text but never just text. I did not find a written explanation on how to draw more precisely. So, I thought I would choose a book whose author chose similar drawings and complemented those with text. I found “Parallèle de l’architecture antique et de la moderne” by Roland Fréart. The focus of the book lies on ornamentation and stylistic choices, as opposed to spacial features. It contains a description of the orders and then goes on to a middle section about the parallels of the two styles which is supported by many different illustrations. Because of this mix of illustrations and text, the content is visualized and simplified, and thus has the exact same purpose as our book: “Rules for drawing the several parts of Architecture” by James Gibbs.