Task 4
First of all, I searched for the name of my author and I found many entries. I noticed that another group also dealt with François Blondel. The connection between architecture and empire is important not only in Vitruvius books and in the book “La Nouvelle Maniere de Fortifier les Places” as well as in many other writings of François Blondel but also in the writings of Augustus.
Some thoughts of Vitruvius about geometry and aesthetics are very often quoted by François Blondel and implemented in everyday life. It is interesting to see that about fifteen years after Blondel published Résolution des quatre principaux problèmes d’architecture, he wrote about military buildings and thus dealt with other problems.
My other search was about the year 1673 in which Blondel published the book Résolution des quatre principaux problèmes d’architecture. In 1673 the book Colonna Traiana eretta dal Senato by Pietro Santo Bartoli was published in Rome. I have read that the author also wrote about columns, respectively Trajan’s Column and, which were erected during the reign of Trajan and had a great importance especially from the battles in that period. Since Blondel after the book on geometry and the columns also dealt with the military and the war, I think this is no coincidence.
I have noticed that these topics were generally very important among architects and planners in Europe and many were concerned with them.
My Book: Blondel, François, Resolution des quatre principaux problèmes d’architecture, Paris, Imprimerie Royale, 1673.
student number: 20-710-943