For the book «Oeuvres architecture» by Marie-Joseph Peyer it was rather difficult to find a connection to other books. The reason therefore is that the book consists mostly of pictures regarding different buildings and empty pages. As a result I decided to search for the most concise topics that could be found. At first there nothing could be even found with the few words that were in the book, but when I searched for “Plan d’un Palais” a similar book appeared. The name of the book is “eighteen-century architecture” by Caroline van Eck and Sigrid de Jong. The pictures of the buildings and the topics that are being discussed are very comparable to the book of Peyer. Many elements like the cut perspective of ancient buildings and the in depth analysis of the ground floor of cathedrals, churches and palates are the main topic of both books. Additionally both books are manly about the same time period, the 18th century.
Since there were only very little words in the book, the search continued to be rather difficult. Therefore, I started to look up the time period. By using the number “1700” I found a book called “space, time and architecture” by S. Giedion. At first there was not much useful information nor any similarities. But after a while, many similar topics could be found. For example, the obelisk and it’s surroundings. It is also a lot talked about ancient cathedrals and how cities were made in the 17th century. In general, the book is just a big summary of ancient architecture up until now.
In conclusion I could find most information by using the time period as the “word” in Alice. The topics in the 18th century, regarding architecture, are overall very close together and the people at the time found similar building structures interesting.