The book L’ART D’APPAREIL was written for architects and contains many geometric drawings. That’s why I first searched for a book in the Xenotheka Library under the Topic of Conversation ‘Architecture’ with the keywords geometrical drawing and art.
A book with the title ‘The Sympathy Of Things’ caught my eye, this title reminded me of L’ART D’APPAREIL. The sympathy of Things, Ruskin and the Ecology of Design by Lars Spuybroek, published in 2016 is a bit younger than L’ART D’APPAREIL and with 705 pages also a bit thicker. Spuybroek writes about the art critic John Ruskin and his attitude towards design, art, architecture and crafts. The book therefore also contains many sketches, geometric drawings and construction drawings like those found in L’ART D’APPAREIL. For Ruskin, beauty always comprises variation, imperfection and fragility. Since I don’t understand anything in the book L’ART D’APPAREIL, it is difficult to judge whether these three concepts are also involved, but I imagine that they also play a role.
After this search, I changed Alice Brain and searched in the Architecture Library, but I couldn’t download a book there, so I switched back to the Xenotheka Library. I found the second book under the topic ‘geometrical’. I searched with construction and art as keywords, as this is also a main topic of the book L’ART D’APPAREIL. I came across the book Digital Architecture Beyond Computers by Roberto Bottazzi published in 2018.
This book is about Digital Architecture, but it is also a guideline for architects and designers as well as L’ART D’APPAREIL is a guideline for architects and other creators. The book deals with the design tools available to us today and with aesthetic, spatial, and philosophical concepts.
Alice shows you every book that contains these keywords, but in order to compare the books you have to know what the book is about, and that was sometimes difficult, because I don’t know much about the content of L’ART D’APPAREIL, I only know the title page and the geometric drawings in it, so my search was mainly limited to these drawings.