Since my book is about the process of drawing and giving the reader a guideline how to draw different buildings I started with the search of: Architecture Instructions.
Vitruv was the first result, so I moved on to the second one to get to read something new.
The other result was about the writer and archaeologist Antoine-Chrysostome Quatremère de Quincy, but I didnt find a connection between his work and the one of Andrea Putei.
The second searchword I tried out was: “Perspective”. The first title was “Roman, Play Among Books”. It is about how computers change our way of producing architecture and how thier way of processing eliminates in some areas the need for books. I found this very interesting in connection to the book of Putei, because I think his tutorials would have greatly benefitted.
The second book I chose was “Belting, Florence and Baghdad”, an analysis from Hans Belting about the different way of interpreting Perspective in the Europe and in the Middle East.
He used “pictorial theory” to describe the way geometry was tought in Europe.
The book of Andrea Putei shows this too in his many illustrations and in the complete absence of any algebra. So maybe he would have profited of the Middle Eastern approach of tying geometry more closely to math. I personally would prefere to know both because I think they could profit of each other.