The original Title:
Synopsis architecturae civilis eclecticae, oder, kurtzer Entwurff von der ersten Continuation : worinnen unterschiedliche Partial-Begriffe enthalten, welche in der antiquen geometria elementari gegründet, und durch das nützliche diagramma quadrangulare, bey dem Umfang der Civil-Bau-Kunst ihren behenden Nutzen weisen / vornehmlich aber in gegenwärtigen zwölff Tabellen, nach einem fundamentalen Methodo, die regulairen Maximen anzeigen, die bey Verfertigung einer vollständigen ichnographisch- und orthographischen Invention und Delineation, des in den ersten zwölff Tabellen enthaltenen adelichen Wohn-Hausses, noch ferner erfordert werden : auf Begehren zu allgemeinem Gebrauch derjenigen, so die Praxin nicht empirice zu tractiren, sondern alle möglichen Ideen aus der sicheren Bau-Meister-Academie der mathematischen Wissenschaften auszuführen gesonnen seyn, wie nicht minder zum Vergnügen der Reisenden, welche als Galant-Hommes die Gebäude mit Nutzen beschauen wollen, in möglichste Deutlichkeit verfasset, inventirt, und gezeichnet / von Johann Jacob Schübler:
This ratter long title, is quite unusual for today. But was maybe normal back then. I think the book is about the topics, perspective and proportions in civilian architecture. I think Johann Jacon Schüböer wrote it with the idea to use it for education.5 The book is quite hard to understand and as it is written in high german letters, hard to read.
List of contents: Does the book have one? If so, what kind of sections does the book include? How are the chapters organised/listed?
The book is made of 4 different parts. Every part contains 13 chapters.
Illustrations: Is the book illustrated? If so, what king of images are there? If not, why do you think that is?
The Book has a lot of illustrations. Johann Jacob Schübler draws facades as well as inside décor, fountains, stairways etc. Drawings are quite well represented in the book and are stunning regarding the precision.
Size/format: Is the book large or small, thick or thin etc…? What does this mean in relation to the topic?
For me it seemed quite average. Not to big, not to small. I think It was a good size for presenting all the drawings.
Author: who wrote the book? What was their background and occupation? What do you think they wanted to achieve with this book?
The author of this book is Johann Jacob Schübler. He was a German baroque master builder, architectural theorist and mathematician and lived in the 17th Century. I think he was interested in bringing back the ideas of ancient architecture.