- “Designs of Inigo Jones and others” by Isaac Ware
- published 1742
The Book «Designs of Inigo Jones and others» was published 1742 by Isaac Ware. It was the second edition.
The book has approximately a A5 format. Is not very thick, so it is handy. I could imagine that he could carry it with him around while he tried to capture the Palladianism in this book. The book has about 103 pages with drawings, empty pages and a glosser in the beginning. The Illustration show different detailed architecture topics. They are really precise and seem of the same epoch.
Isaac Ware lived from 1704 to 1766. Until he was eight, he had a life of poverty, but was then adopted. In his new family he was educated as a young English nobleman. He became an architect and translator of the Italian Architect Renaissance Andrea Palladio. Having studied Palladian theory intensively, he himself helped to improve it in the 1740s.
-. Melissa Roth (19-612-944)