The title of the book is «Studio d’architettura civile » by Ferdinando Ruggieri who was born in Florence in April 1687. He was active in Florence during the late Baroque period. He helped design the left facade oft he Church of San Firenze, the Palazzo Capponi, the Palazzo Sansedoni and the collegiata of Empoli.
The title of the book doesn’t give much information about what the book is. But there is a long and very descriptive subtitle, which gives more information. There is written: «sopra gli ornamenti di porte, e fineste colle misure piante, modini, e profili, tratte da alcune fabbriche insigni di Firente erette col disegno de ‘piu’ celebri architetti / opera misurata, disegnata, e intagliata da Ferdinando Ruggieri architetto. » Which means : « About the ornaments of doors and windows, with the measures, plans, moldings and profiles, taken from some few renowned works of Florence, erected with the design of the most famous architects ». This gives away more information about the Book.
In the book are mainly the architectural detailing of famous italian architecture. The Books are really large and this makes the drawings very detailed and clear. Most pages are filled with very detailed drawings of different building parts, ranging from tiny details of profiles and ornaments, over facades and staircases, to whole building structure. The chapters are organized by the type of drawings. Everything is documented with plans, sections, elevation and sometimes written descriptions. There are 4 Books which are very large and thick. So there are many drawings of italian architecture. It’s very interesting to see all those specified drawings on such big paper. It gives a good impression in how the drawings are different from each other.