The title of the book from Johann Christoph Bischoff is Kurzgefasste Einleitung zur Perspectiv. The book is from the year 1744. So it is quite old, but for this it is in an good condition. Kurzgefasste Einleitung zur Perspectiv is about basic, architectural detail drawings in different angles and perspectives. Around the half of the book are drawings, which are most probably handmade. In the first part are some chapters, in which the following details are described. So the title Kurzgefasste Einleitung zur Perspectiv makes a lot of sense for me. There is only one page in the hole book colored, the title page with the title.
The drawings are pretty much in detail, so often there are also some measurements. A detail page looks par example like this: on the left side is a front view and on the right the associated perspective. With the perspectives are also some shadows, which gives the images even more depth. Some pages are bigger than the actual size from the page. So you can fold it in and out for seeing the hole page. The book is about an A5 format and 2 Centimeters thick. It looks a bit like an sketch book. I think Johann Christoph Bischoff tried to sketch his idealistic ideas from a perspective because with drawing it is way more meaningful than with any words.