Descripción del Real Monasterio de San Lorenzo de el Escorial – Andres Ximenez
General information
The title of my book is “Descripción del Real Monasterio de San Lorenzo de el Escorial”, written by Andrés Ximénez, which automatically describes what the intention of the book is: This book describes the royal monastery of San Lorenzo del Escorial, which is a monastery complex in Spain. The book is written in Spanish.
The inside of the book
For a quick overview, this book contains a list of content, which illustrates that the book is sectioned into “partes”, including a short description of what each part describes. Every section is subdivided into chapters, which are numbered by Roman numerals. Furthermore, this book includes a few illustrations. Some are ornamental, others are garnishing the initial letter of each chapter and some pages are completely covered with paintings of e.g. tremendous schemes of the monastery complex.
Physical description
The book itself is rather thick and quite big, therefore it seems that it is not mentioned to hold in the hand as a lecture but for research reasons. Moreover, there are a few versions of the cover of the book, however none of them implicates the title of the book.
The structure of the book
The book starts with a few pages about Carlos III., King of Spain, to whom the book is dedicated, followed by a prologue and the list of content. After that, there is an enormous painting of the monastery and finally the actual chapters. The book ends with an index, after a detailed plan of the factory of San Lorenzo el Real and a short catalogue.