English title: Architectural book containing the general principles of this art, and the plans, elevations and profiles of some of the buildings made in France & in foreign countries: French and Latin work, enriched with intaglio planks
Latin title: De architectura liber in quo continentur generalia hujus artis principia, necnon ichnographiae, orthographiae et scenographiae quorumdam aedificiorum, quae fuere constructa, tum in Gallia, tum in regionibus extraneis
Autor: Germain Boffrand (1667-1754)
First publication: Paris, 1745 by “Chez Guillaume Cavelier pere”
Language: French / Latin
Online Copy (PDF): https://doi.org/10.3931/e-rara-8280
Physical Copy:
Library: ETH-Bibliothek, Rämistrasse 101, 8092 Zürich
Signature: RA Rara, 1211: 1
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