Title: Kunstbuechlein, darin etliche architectisher, Portalen, Epitaphen, Caminen, Schweiffen und Ausszuegen, auss rechemVerstand und Grunde der fuenff Seulen: zugerichte Abriss und Vorbildung
English title: Art booklet, in it several architectural portals, epitaphs, camines, tails and extracts, sufficient understanding, and reason of the five pillars: excellent demolition and previous education
Author: Veit Eck, Jakob Guckeisen, both N/A – N/A
Year and place of publication: 1596, Strasbourg
Language: German
Volumes: Anthology with 7 works
Physical copy: Bibliothek Oechslin, Signature A18a (reading room only)
Digital copy: https://books.google.ch/books/about/Kunstbuechlein_darin_etliche_architectis.html?id=U12ZXwAACAAJ&redir_esc=y