What captured my attention while “scrolling” through the textless book, was the great quantity of pages dedicated to the ornamentation of chimneys. In the time of the author (1743), the chimney seems to have had great significance. The pages above show a relatively simple and elegant example. Intresting is also that on the bottom of every page the originators of the depicted designs.
Here is another example of a chimney which caught my attention because of the sheer amount of ornamentation applied to it. The rich bottom part just isn’t pompous enough…the author had to add a giant depiction of some kind of royal act towards subjects. What i like about this chimney are the tiny gables, which imitate a pediment of a greek temple.
I choose this last spread, because its the only page in the book that depicts a kind of Obelisk. The obelisk is ornamented by a laurel wreath which stands for victory.
For more general remarks about the book look at Fabio Hörlers post…