The first spread is from the chapter on the practical us of geometry. In the first column of the first page, we find the section “Degli Angoli, e de Triangoli”. Its subchapters start with a text in italics, maybe the learning task. The subchapters each conclude with the section, “Pratica”. In the text appear capital letters, that could stand for vertices. What caught my attention are the thick lines. The lines could simply represent lines with different lengths, but as they appear after a variation of terms and lead to the placement of a punctuation mark at the end of the line, they probably structure the text. The second spread shows figures of the chapter on geometry. How close the forms are placed next to each other and their diversity interested me. The last spread presents the plan and an illustration of a portal with an iron door. I chose the spread because it is different from the other illustrations, as it shows not only elements but a whole portal with context. It is also interesting to note, that the plan does not include the garden, makes me assume, that it is the portal is only a model.