The Title Page spread shows one page with an image, a blank page in between and one page that serves as the usual title page with general information about the book. The image in this spread is the only image in the whole book. Thus it seems important to me. Not only because it’s the only image in the book, but also it depicts the sculpture of vitruvius, which is being crowned and stands on a doric column.
It’s interesting that the page numbers start at something above 300, so I assume that there’s another volume of the book. The page 363 is the first page of the dictionary on architectural terms. It shows the general layout, which consists of a rectangular box, in which the text is situated. In the first step the book is ordered alphabetically. It also features a special element, namely the initial at the beginning of the first word of the dicitonary. The initial is framed by a square, which features some decorative elements referring to natural and organic forms.
This spread reveals some kind of imperfection of the printing process. I find it fascinating to see how the printing process was something so complex and of a big amount of handcraft. The part, where this printing error occurs also shows the second organising system next to the page numbers and the alphabetic order by using letters to get an of overview, where you’re located in the book.