Pages 54-56
Pages 342-344
Pages 661-664 (661/664)
Pages 54-56
On page 54 we can see how the biggest part of the book looks like, since it contains a lot of text. There is very little orientation since it’s all in one big block. The following pages are the first two pictures in the book, where the reader has something to look at and understand better, what Walther Ryff is just writing about in the first part.
Pages 342-344
Here we again have pictures, the first one in particular is special since it’s turned 90 degrees and in this way can be showed bigger to the reader, which shows it’s importance in the book. You have to turn the book around, so it catches your eye for a longer period.
The second picture is a good example to compare , because it’s wrapped in the text and quite small.
Pages 661-664
These two pictures are both vertical but occupy a big amount of space on the pages which shows again the importance and there is no text (little text) that distracts the reader from the picture.