Pages 15 – 20 appeared to me particularly interesting. The selected pages follow the foreword and contain a list of 16 of the total 20 definitions of perspective that are listed in the book. This very structured listing directly after the preface, seems to be especially important for the author. It seems that this section gives the book a kind of framework.
I noticed that the author writes out the numbers of the first five definitions and gives the others in numbers. In addition, after the fifth rule, there is a comment page of the author. Maybe this means that the first five rules are more important or deal with a different topic than the others.
The author describes the definitions according to a certain rule: The title in capital letters, the subtitle in oblique writing. Also, definitions with higher numbers tend to be illustrated more often.
Ignazio Danti, 1536-1586
Year and place of publication:
1644, Rome : nella stamperia del Mascardi